Did I break a mirror somewhere and didn't realize it? I don't think I can handle 95 more months of this stress.
It all started last Tuesday when we got home from looking at a townhouse that was for sale and found a notice on our apartment door telling us that after three years of having a cat they finally decided they were going to 'inspect' for violations to our contract. Yes, we knew we were violating our contract and we knew this day would come, but right now?
So, Wednesday we look at the same townhouse but with my dad who knows much more about buying and repairing houses then we do. It turns out that the place is bank owned and has been on the market for 85 days and the price has already been reduced from $136,900.00 to $119,900.00.
We decide to make an offer, but we have to get pre-approved through their bank and through our own bank because we don't want to use theirs (it was out of Texas? I believe). Any who, we spent Thursday and Friday evenings on phones with banks or in mortgage offices finding out our options (which are actually pretty good). OOH and Thursday was the day they were 'inspecting' our apartment which means the cats spent Wednesday and Thursday night at Aunt Sidonies. When we got home Thursday there was no sign of them being there or bill or anything so we figured we were in the clear but should still get out of there ASAP.
WRONG! Friday after my meeting at the mortgage co. There was an eviction notice AND bill taped to our door! We have to be out by the 17th of April
Saturday we write up our official offer, making it low so we have room to make some of the repairs that are needed.
GOOD NEWS - We put an offer on a house (Our very first offer!!)
BAD NEWS - We only have a month in our apartment, it has been taking 6-8 weeks to close in this part of the world.
GOOD NEWS - We can get a storage unit for our stuff and live with the in-laws for a few weeks! YAY someplace to live!
BAD NEWS - Two people and three cats in ONE bedroom (they have dogs)
BAD BAD NEWS - Saturday we do our taxes, turns out we owe
A LOT of money (don't know how that happened we still have to look over everything.
Tuesday our real estate lady gets a call from the listing agent asking if we put an offer on one of her places, our lady says yes, the listing agent says I don't have it please re-fax...
Thursday night I get a call, turns out someone else has also put an offer on the place *surprisingly* at the exact same time we did! *wonder how that happened* coughlistingagetcough
Friday (today) we upped our offer a little bit and will resubmit it to the bank....