Well yesterday I was browsing one of the many blogs I follow UCreate and found the very talented Ana at Knock-off Woods. She takes overpriced designer pieces and creates plans to build them yourself! And the best part she shares them for FREE!!!
So I am thinking maybe she has something that would work in my kitchen. Let me tell you I have NEVER build anything by myself and was a little afraid to fall in love with something and not be able to do it, but I looked anyway. And you know what I found. The EXACT table that I have had in my mind for the last few months!! Not joking! I fell head over heals for this table, I think I was even drooling a little it is so beautiful. Well, I printed off the plans and went running to find R, and asked him if he thought it was too big of a project to be my first. He looked them over and said we could definitely do it!! He even had some suggestions to make it look even more like a store bought piece.
EEEK!! Now I just have to be patient and wait until Saturday so we can go down to Home Resource here in Missoula and hopefully find some reclaimed wood. EEEK! (I know I am squealing like a little girl which I normally don't do, but EEEK)