Talk about a crazy weekend! I knew that this was going to be a whirlwind project, it seems that when Robie starts a project he wont stop until it is done. Which I suppose is a good thing, but he keeps us busy. Bear with me while I try and capture three days of work in the correct order...
Friday afternoon Robie got off work early just so they could get a head start. My dad and brother, who were HUGE helps this weekend and we could not have done it without them, met us there and the guys tore right into things. First out came my claw foot tub :(, then the paneling and the lower portion of the exterior wall. Well, it was only supposed to be the lower part of the wall (so the tub would sit flush with the drywall/plaster that was already there, until we realized there was absolutely no insulation in the back wall.

So, insulation and more sheetrock got added to the shopping list. Also added to the list was mortar, because apparently that is what you have to use to level the tub and help reduce vibrations from the jets. So with shopping list #1 complete my Dad, Mom and I set off to Home Depot while Marcel and Robie made a mess out of what remained of the bathroom.
Lets see, when we got back from Home Depot the guys built a wall to house the plumbing, mixed the mortar and set a giant glob of it down in the middle of the floor.

They set the tub on top of the Dino poo and leveled it out. And last for the night came the sheetrock, by that time it was after 11:00 and everyone was ready for bed.
Saturday my dad and I spent most of the day at the ice rink taking a coaching clinic. Robie and Marcel spent the day working on the plumbing, crawling around in the spider infested basement, lucky them! After the clinic I escaped and went birthday shopping with my sister for our mom and my dad headed out to tape and put mud on the parts of sheetrock that we were going to cover with the tub surround. I think everyone was out of there before 8:00.

Sunday Robie and I spent the morning cutting out the window and faucet holes in the tub surround and made trip #4 or #5 to Home Depot to get adhesive to attach the surround, of course we had the caulk and sealant but not the adhesive. Then I hightailed it out of there to my parents house to spend some time with my mom for her birthday, Robie later joined us for dinner and cake after another session with the plumbing pipes. The first person to remodel tried to use the wrong fittings with copper pipe, Robie was not very happy that he had to redo the guys iffy work.

I think that about sums up what we have done so far, we still have a lot to do but I should be able to take a shower tonight :) My dad is over there right now finishing up the tape and mud on the sheetrock so we can get paint on the walls.
Thank you Dad, Mom and Marcel for all you help on this project. I can't wait for it to be finished!