Jaxton Carl Stock
Born 12/10/10 at 8:41pm. He weighed 6lbs 13oz and was 19.5in long. He is perfect and healthy.
We are now home and getting used to a whole new way of life. He is a very quiet spoiled baby, he fusses a little when he is hungry and only screams when he is naked and getting changed. The only time he is alone in his crib is at night, otherwise he sleeps on mommy or daddy so we can just watch him.
I have never been a good "cat napper" but I am learning to do just that, sleep when he sleeps. Nights seem to be the worst but that is probably because there is not much Robie can do to help, but I have been told they will get better :)
Robie is amazing (not that I had my doubts I just want to brag) not only around the house, keeping the place clean, doing laundry, feeding me, waiting on me (almost) hand and foot. And as a father...he is adorable! I am so glad that Robie dose not have work over Christmas break and can stay home with us all day.
Alright back to staring at my little monkey man!

Oooh and he is already sucking his thumb, yay no binky!