Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The day after Jaxtons birthday we packed the truck up with warm clothes the Kid, the Dog, a sled and a saw. We met up with my parents and siblings and headed out the road to find a Christmas tree.

Jaxton was a little quiet at first but he liked the sled.

After a bit of sledding it was back to work

Yummm Cake

Well I am officially the Momma of a one year old, how time flies!
We had a little get together at our place on Jaxtons Birthday, lots of family and good food.
I don't have many pictures from the day they are stuck in limbo on my parents computer, but here are a couple from my camera.

Overall the Kid smashed his cake and got totally spoiled with great toys and clothes.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Baby is ONE


Jaxton Carl

eight sharp little teeth

loves green beans & peas

can fit 4 chunks of banana your cheeks

take your blanket everywhere

runs through the house chasing the dog & cats

favorite toy is our sliding cell phones

can stack blocks then knocks them down

Thursday, November 24, 2011

First Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving.

I have so much to be thankfull for.
my job,
the roof over my head
and my family.

This year my Grandma and Grandpa hosted dinner
Most of my Dad's side of the family made it,
we were missing one of the brothers and a few cousins.

My cousin was there with her 2 year old daughter,
she was so good a sharing her books with Jaxton

Great Grandpa got out his singing moose for them to dance to.

Tuckered out

Reading to Grandpa

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Snow and a Bathtub Suprise

The frigid wind finally died down enough to take Jaxton outside to play in the snow.
It took about 5 minutes to get him dressed and he lasted about one outside.
But it was totally worth it he was so cute all dressed up in his poofy clothes
and he ate his first bite of snow.

He wasn't to sure about it...

Then he was in the bathtub for only a couple minutes before I hear a cute little blub blub blub
I look over and see cute little bubble coming from his bum
and then came the poo

Can't you tell he feels much better?!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We Have a Walker

My Monkey is a walkin!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Guts

Jaxton got to clean out his first pumpkin last weekend.
He loved the ooey gooey pumpkin guts
He was so interested in the texture that it took him a while to try and put them in his mouth

Hopefully this weekend Mr. Pumpkin will get a face :)

Quick Update

It has been such a busy couple weeks.
Jaxton and I have been taking swim lessons twice a week.
Girls hockey has started up again, and I get to coach this year :)
Meeka is .. well a puppy and between her and Jaxton I am always cleaning something.
Needless to say I have not been doing any projects or much baking
Hopefully this weekend I can cross a few projects off my list.

Lets see, Oh ya Jaxton is WALKING!!
My 10 month old is walking
He takes 4-5 steps before stopping and starting again
He so cute and so proud of himself

Helping Mommy in the kitchen

Meeka thinks she is a cat

Playing with Daddy
Someone found the TP

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Muffins

I can't believe it is the end of September already.
Our high temperatures are still in the 80's on a daily basis.
But everywhere I look there are pumpkins and leaves, bats and spiders.

And pumpkin recopies
Like this one from Annie's Eats

The were a little time consuming but very good

After pulling out the stash of sugar from the drawer I left it open
Kinda on accident kinda because it is a pain to close

Jaxton was happy I left it open
He found new toys to make noise with :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Robie, Jaxton, Meeka and I walked down to a neighborhood park I chanced upon last night. It was nice and quiet, we were the only ones there.

I put Jaxton in the big boy swing and he loved it!! He giggled and giggled.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beads and Time

Ah Pintrest, my latest online distraction.

Yep I am!
I found this on Pinterest and fell in love
with the color, NOT the price
I think it was listed at $82

So I made a trip to Micheal's
and for $20 I got everything I needed

It took me a couple times, but I figured it out
and lots of time. 3 hours to be exact
Dishes did not get done, we did not go for a walk

I sat down with a chick flick and my quiet time went way to fast
This is what I came up with

I love it, now I need a black and red one.

Oh and a cute pic of Jaxton
He is 9 months old, where did time go?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's Beginning to Look Like a Zoo In Here!

I'm sure if you have not seen my house you have seen pictures of it, and you agree it is small. Don't get me wrong, I love my house, but it is a little over 700sqft, two bedrooms, one bathroom. It is home to two adults, one very active baby, three cats, three fish and now.... A PUPPY!!

Meet Meeka. She is half Malamute half shepard mutt-mix. She is 6 1/2 weeks old and the runt of the litter. We have had her for three days and she is already part of the family.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jaxton's First Camping Trip

There is so much that has happened since my last post but Little Manman has kept me running in circles so they have not gotten posted. But this I had to get up.

Jaxton and I met my parents and grandparents on the North Fork of the Clearwater for a weekend of fresh air, clear water and campfire cooking. Jaxton had a blast and actually screamed all the way home. He slept so well in the tent on the ground and gave everyone attention.

Lots of pictures so here goes...


 With YaYa

With Mommy

 With Great Grandma Patty

 With Grandpa


Sidonie swimmin

 Cuddling Great Grandma

Monday, August 1, 2011


Jaxton decided he did not want to use a spoon to eat his carrots tonight.
I think he had more on him than in him :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Big Sky Country

We went for a hike today Sidonie, Jaxton and I. Once we were at the top I was reminded of just why I love Montana. Once we got away from the hippies, bicycles and roundabouts, once we got above the road construction and crazy drivers I am rewarded with this view.

I just love those two!