Sunday, September 30, 2012


 September went by in a flash. Well more of a blur. I would say I can't believe summer is over and October is here but we are still getting into the upper 70's every day, so we are still wearing shorts and running barefoot in the yard. Not much cooking or crafting going on around here, although I am working on one project right now

 Just before Jax's first hair cut

 Lucky this cat is so patient, poor thing gets carried all over the house

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Welcome Home Soldier

I am so so proud of my little sister.
She is only 17
Starting her Senior year in High School
Already knows what she wants to do with her life
and she is taking steps to make it happen.
big steps

She just spent TWO months away from home.
TWO months training to fight for our country.