Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Weekend Part One

I had a very busy Valentines weekend, most of it spent at the Ice Rink. Friday night I finished a sewing project I had been trying to complete all week, I found the fabric at JoAnns and knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. Ta Da!

Not the best picture, I will have to see if I can get a better one, but when you live in a cave of an appartment this is what you get. (If it is so bad you can't tell, it is a half apron with a ruffle at the bottom....)

Second, my wonderful Mother-in-law let me 'borrow' her old KitchenAid! I have wanted one for as long as we have been in our own place, going on three years? It is in perfect working order and she even had a few extra attatchments to throw in. She has a second larger one that she uses and this one had been in a box in storage.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

My eye is twitching from lack of sleep and I am supposed to be working, so the second part of my weekend will have to come later...

Sneak peak..

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