Bummer. Several ideas went through my head, using a bleach pen to make a design...but I am not very good at free handing, ribbon...nah, replace the whole pocket...nah, ooh how about trying something out of my usual relm, something kinda girly like these fabric yo-yo's? I saw them on a shirt here and kinda liked it.
Since all of my sewing stuff is packed in boxes in a storage unit :( I headed to Jo Ann Fabrics to find some matching fabric. I borrowed my MIL's sewing room and started cutting out circles, keeping in mind the finished product will be about half the size.
Then using your basic hand stitch, stitch all the way around the circle bunching as you go. Once you reach the end tie it off. Easy as that, or if you have a bigger circle it may be easier to run it around your sewing machine and bunch that, but I suppose that depends on how good of a sewer you are.
Because mine will go in the wash machine I tacked down the middle with a small zig-zag stitch to make sure it was good and secure.
Finished product...
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