But I suppose it is all preparation for when little man decides to show the world his face and I get no sleep at all and will be walking around in a haze. I am not complaining, this is all just so new to me. When I sit back on the couch after half the dishes are done and the unfolded laundry is at my feet, and Jaxton leans his little butt against my side and stretches his arms I remember to savor these moments, they won't last much longer, as I am down to 6 weeks.
I am also starting to feel the nesting instinct kick in full time. I have been craking the whip to get the little things done around the house. As you saw the bathroom is finally done, and I am so excited to say my kitchen island is ALMOST done :) Robie remade the drawers to his liking, I finally picked out the top. We got it yesterday and I looks great. Now all that it needs is a few coats of paint that I plan on starting tonight, luckily I can do most of that sitting down. We have someone coming to look at the old tub that I will be sad to see go but I don't want it living in the backyard all winter.
I don't know how many times I have walked into his room and rearranged all the stuffed monkeys we have collected already. I have sorted his clothes by size, then again by sleeve length, and again by cuteness. I have another wonderful friend giving me more little boy clothes so I will get to do it all over again.
Okay anyway long post lots of rambling but I wanted it all written down somewhere, and I am not good at keeping a journal so here internet here are my feelings. Like I said I will have project updates soon! My girls (funny I still think of them like that) are also hosting the Blastoff Tournament this weekend, so if I can remember to take my camera to the rink I will have hockey pictures.
Ooh it is currently 45 and sunny out but I can't help dreaming of this...

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