Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Sandbox & A Lid

Jaxton is obsessed with sand and dirt and rocks and bark from the play grounds. He loves to throw it, dig in it and eat it. He is a boy.

So we built him a sandbox.

We knew he it was going to need a lid, you know between the Montana weather (read rain and snow), the dog and the neighborhood cats we figured it would get pretty nasty pretty fast.

Robie built a nice lid with hinges and I made some paint for it. I say made because I made chalkboard paint so he can draw on the inside and out to his hearts content. Well, once he gets over eating the chalk whenever you give him some.

I have mixed feeling about the paint. You need 2Tbs of UNsanded grout for every cup of paint. The smallest bag of grout I could find was 10lbs, that's a lot of grout. They sell chalkboard paint is a few colors but it was quite expensive for a very little amount. So I sucked it up and bought the grout and mixed it with some leftover outdoor deck/fence paint we had hoping it would withstand the rain a little better. The grout was a bit hard to mix with the paint and there were a few lumps that I fished out (and some I left) but I works and we can draw on it. I just hope that it stands up to the rain.

Anyhoo now the good part, cute pictures of Little Man

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