Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! I know I am a tad bit late but I have been go, go, going since Christmas. I hope everyone's Christmas was as enjoyable as mine was and you got to spend time with family and friends and eat waaay too much food! We got to spend Christmas eve with R's parents and Christmas day with mine, it is so nice to have both our parents so close.
Yesterday was the first day in eight days I was not at an ice rink. New Years week the girls had extra practices to get ready for the Kalispell tournament and New Years Eve R and I went skating just the two of us. Friday morning we drove up to Kalispell had two games, had another two games on Sat, and one more Sunday morning. We won 4 lost one, to ID Falls a very close game and the kind of competition we will have at state.
It the little spare time I have had I have been putting my new sewing machine to use (thank you mom!) First order of business was to make a cover for it since I really have no room and it most likely will be living on the dining room table for awhile. I found the heavy duty fabric on the sale table at Joann's, and got some bias tape to add some color.

I do not know the measurements because I cut and pinned, cut and repined. I used one long panel to cover the front, top and back, and two small rectangles to cover the sides.
The kittens got a new 'cat' bed for Christmas (it is round, fuzzy, has a head and a tail) When we first gave it to them Zoey would grab the tail and drag it down the hallway growling. She has accepted it but does not sleep there much, mostly it is Ally's as you can see.

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