Thursday, November 24, 2011

First Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving.

I have so much to be thankfull for.
my job,
the roof over my head
and my family.

This year my Grandma and Grandpa hosted dinner
Most of my Dad's side of the family made it,
we were missing one of the brothers and a few cousins.

My cousin was there with her 2 year old daughter,
she was so good a sharing her books with Jaxton

Great Grandpa got out his singing moose for them to dance to.

Tuckered out

Reading to Grandpa

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Snow and a Bathtub Suprise

The frigid wind finally died down enough to take Jaxton outside to play in the snow.
It took about 5 minutes to get him dressed and he lasted about one outside.
But it was totally worth it he was so cute all dressed up in his poofy clothes
and he ate his first bite of snow.

He wasn't to sure about it...

Then he was in the bathtub for only a couple minutes before I hear a cute little blub blub blub
I look over and see cute little bubble coming from his bum
and then came the poo

Can't you tell he feels much better?!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We Have a Walker

My Monkey is a walkin!!