Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The day after Jaxtons birthday we packed the truck up with warm clothes the Kid, the Dog, a sled and a saw. We met up with my parents and siblings and headed out the road to find a Christmas tree.

Jaxton was a little quiet at first but he liked the sled.

After a bit of sledding it was back to work

Yummm Cake

Well I am officially the Momma of a one year old, how time flies!
We had a little get together at our place on Jaxtons Birthday, lots of family and good food.
I don't have many pictures from the day they are stuck in limbo on my parents computer, but here are a couple from my camera.

Overall the Kid smashed his cake and got totally spoiled with great toys and clothes.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Baby is ONE


Jaxton Carl

eight sharp little teeth

loves green beans & peas

can fit 4 chunks of banana your cheeks

take your blanket everywhere

runs through the house chasing the dog & cats

favorite toy is our sliding cell phones

can stack blocks then knocks them down